Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Our third day in Shibata

So its been two days since our last post. So here is a synopsis of what been happening
Tuesday morning we left for Shibata taking a few trains to the Bullet train and then another to Shibata. I'n comparison to the tokyo we are in the country now. We went from seeing the city to more and more mountains and rice fields. We went from the fast paced lifestyle of tokyo to a slower paced lifestyle.

Then when we got to Tony Salisbury's house we met his wife and his son and there friends the Turners. We didn't do much of anything else on Tuesday except shop for food, figure out a rough schedule for the week, get our weekly chores, and do fold tracts.

Then Wednesday we woke up did our chores and folded tracts. Then at 10:30 we took the tracts to different houses in the area. At 7 we had a prayer meeting that the team lead worship for. It was an enjoyable time of ministering to Tony and Trish Salisbury and all those in attendance

Today the Jordan and Toni Lynn are going to be helping with a ladies bible study and 10:30. We are also going to Keiwa and Niigata Universities to prayer walk and finally Grace Chapel in the evening.

Kenneth Moore

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