Friday, June 10, 2011

putting 3 in 1

So the last three days where pretty amazing and the Lord showed himself strong.

On Wednesday the team separated one group went to Dokkyo University and the other went to Waseda. The Dokkyo group consisting of Robert, Kay, Sabin, Tyler, Sharon, and I. We played games with the Dokkyo students. After the games we had a Bible study. Where Sabin gave the word through his testimony.

The next day we spent the whole day at Sunrise church, with Mikami Sensei. In the morning we played with the preschool kids and then Sharon and Amos told the Creation story and the story of Noah. Sharon and Amos did amazing at engaging the kids with the Word of God. After that we had lunch and then ministered to some of the mothers of kids. We did worship and then Kay gave the word via her testimony. Then we began to talk to the moms and many moms where touched through our ministry. The last thing we did that day was a youth meeting, which turned out to be some of the moms coming back with the kids and some youth. So the turn out was alittle different then what we expected. But after the message that Tim and Robert gave together. Many different one where touched and ministered too.

Now yesterday was another good day we went to Central Bible college and ministered at their chapel, where Robert spoke. Then later that day one team went to Meiji university while the rest of the team stayed back and prepared for the Evangelistic Party we were having that night at the student center.

The Party went amazingly well. It was a bigger turnout than we expected many students from the different universities we ministered to the weeks before came. We played games and ate Pancakes that Sharon and I made. We were able to build relationship with a lot students.

Today a team is leaving this morning for Yokohama while the rest of the team stays here and ministers in Tokyo.

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